Remotely the Same? Going Virtual with a Cybercamp in a Pandemic




Digital Forensics, Remote Learning, Cyber Security Education & Training, Gamification Strategies


Summer camps and other week-long activities are popular ways to introduce cybersecurity to middle- or high-school aged children. Such experiences have traditionally been conducted in-person, with many having residency components and evening activities. The COVID-19 pandemic brought these traditional experiences to an abrupt halt. To support and promote continued education in the face of the global pandemic many such in-person camps – as well as higher-education courses – precipitously migrated to online remote learning. The shift presented challenges beyond simply preparing and posting content online. This case study examines the challenges, solutions, and lessons learned from morphing a successful hands-on residential NSA GenCyber digital forensics summer camp to a fully online remote learning "camp".

Author Biographies

Matthew Bovee, Norwich University, Vermont, USA

Dr. Matthew Bovee, is former Director of the Senator Patrick Leahy School of Cybersecurity and Advanced Computing, Norwich University, Vermont, USA. He led the School’s NSA Center of Academic Excellence recertification, has been awarded many competitive grants, mentors student cybersecurity research, and teaches digital forensics and computer science.

Huw Read, Norwich University, Vermont, USA

Dr. Huw O.L. Read, is a Charles A. Dana Professor of Digital Forensics and Director of the Centre of Cybersecurity and Forensics Education and Research (CyFER) at Norwich University, Vermont, USA. He has taught internationally, authored over 20 peer-reviewed publications in the field and been awarded numerous competitive grants.


