The Role of Digitalisation in Shaping a Country's Image




Digitalisation, country image, provisional conceptual framework, digital transformation


The objective of this study is to examine the complex role played by digital technologies in shaping a country's image on the global stage. In recent times, with the rapid evolution of digital communication platforms, developing nations have increasingly turned to digital technologies to project their cultural, economic, and political narratives to an international audience. This paper examines the relevant literature relating to how digital technologies contribute to the creation and dissemination of a country's image, impacting the opinions and views of global stakeholders. It so doing, the paper reviews the challenges and opportunities arising from the integration of digital tools in country branding efforts, including misinformation concerns, digital diplomacy, cybersecurity, and the democratization of narrative-building. The paper then puts forward a provisional conceptual framework for primary research in Nigeria that will examine the interplay of digitalisation and country image. The paper concludes that digitalisation has a significant influence on a country's image, affecting perceptions of technological advancement, economic development, access to information, social transformation, and global competitiveness, and suggests that the framework put forward here may act as a model for cross-country comparisons in subsequent studies.

Author Biographies

Dauda Adegoke ADEJUMO, University of Aveiro


Dauda Adegoke Adejumo is a full time PhD student in the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism, University of Aveiro.  He had peviously studied at the University of Gloucestershire for his M. Sc (Marketing) and  Ladoke Akintola University of Ogbomoso where he obtained MBA with a specialisation in Marketing Management.  His interest inludes; country image, cybersecurity, strategic ommunication and digitilasation. Presently, he is researcher affiliated to GOVCOPP.

Martin Wynn, University of Gloucestershire

Martin Wynn is Associate Professor in Information Technology in the School of Computing and Engineering at the University of Gloucestershire. Having gained his PhD at Nottingham Trent University, he was appointed Research Fellow at East London University, and then spent 20 years in industry at Glaxo Pharmaceuticals and HP Bulmer Drinks, now part of Heineken UK, before returning to academia in 2002. His research interests include digitalisation, information systems, sustainability, project management and urban planning. His latest book, Handbook of Research on Digital Transformation, Industry Use Cases, and the Impact of Disruptive Technologies, was published in 2022.

Vera Cristina Fontes Teixeira Vale, University of Aveiro

Vera Teixeira Vale has a PhD in Management with specialization in Marketing and Strategy from the Faculty of Economics and Management of University of Porto, a MSc in Marketing from the Oporto Catholic University, also an MBA in Commercial Operations Management in Oporto Catholic University. She is an Assistant Professor in the University of Aveiro (DEGEIT). She lectures under graduated and graduated courses of Management, Marketing, Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior. Presently, she is researcher affiliated to GOVCOPP, and an invited researcher at CEOS.PP.
Her research topics are: Consumer Behavior, Consumer Psychology, Anti-Consumption, Anti-branding,
Sustainable, Responsible consumption and Relational Capital. Her teaching interests are: Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research and Marketing Management.


