Enhancing Team Cohesion Through a Custom MOBA Game: Development, Implementation & Impact





ompetitive games, game development, multiplayer online battle arenas, soft skills, team cohesion, team-building


The quality of a team in organizations has an impact on the success of the team in achieving their goals. Team building activities are one of the elements which can improve relationships in different kinds of teams. One of those can be playing competitive digital games, whether for teams working remotely or on site. This paper presents a case study that explores the design and development process of an innovative online game that combines elements of third-person action and multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games to provide an experience that strengthens team cohesion. The game design and mechanics support distribution of team roles based on Belbin's theory, highlighting the importance of diverse roles for balanced team functionality. By integrating unique character functions, the game encourages players to understand and appreciate the different roles individuals play in a team, enhancing empathy and mutual respect among team members. The game is uniquely designed to be simpler and more accessible than typical MOBAs, making it an ideal tool for educational and organizational settings to boost team cohesion and communication skills among people from various backgrounds. The leveling of the playing field allows individuals with minimal gaming experience to participate fully and effectively. The design principles ensure that the core mechanics of the game encourage teamwork and effective communication over individual skill, emphasizing collective success. The case study delves into the development process, the challenges faced, the solutions implemented, and the outcomes observed as part of a research project conducted between 2022-2023. The findings suggest that game-based learning can significantly transform traditional team-building methods, introducing a new paradigm for fostering high-performance teams in an increasingly digital world.

Author Biographies

Magdalena Svecova, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

Magdaléna Švecová is the head of the Department of Digital Games at the Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia. Her research is focused on gamification of education, ethical aspects of digital games and game journalism.

Juraj Kovalčík, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia

Juraj Kovalčík is an assistant professor at the Department of Digital Games at the Faculty of Mass Media Communication, UCM in Trnava, Slovakia. His research focuses on the history of games and gaming in Slovakia, game narratives and aesthetics, and relations between digital games and other audio- visual media.

Michal Kabát, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia

Michal Kabát is an assistant professor at the Department of Digital Games at the Faculty of Mass Media Communication, UCM in Trnava, Slovakia. His academic interests are particularly focused on mapping the history of local gaming experience in post-socialist countries and the current development of virtual worlds.


