A Serious Game for the Digital Transformation of Organizations





Strategic HRM, Digital Transformation, Serious Game


To aid human resource management professionals design a configuration of human resource management practices that facilitates the employee behaviour needed for the digital transformation, a serious game was created. The serious game challenges human resource management professionals to combine and design human resource management practices that align to the organizational strategy and optimize employee digital transformation behaviour over multiple simulated years. In this paper, the underlying rationale, design, and outcomes of the first test rounds of the game are presented. Organizational change shaped by the diffusion of technology is labelled the digital transformation (Hanelt et al., 2021). Employees can accelerate or slow down the digital transformation. Hence, organizations are looking to facilitate digital transformation enhancing employee behaviours: adaptive performance and proactive agility behaviour (Collou and Bruinsma, 2022). Aligned human resource management configurations (i.e., combination of human resource management practices such as recruitment, selection, and job design) can shape that employee behaviour (Gratton and Truss, 2003; Delery and Doty, 1996). Designing such a human resource management configuration however is challenging. There are many human resource management practices that need to be designed over multiple years and effects on employee behaviour vary. Serious games are well suited tools to enhance understanding of challenges such as strategic human resource management design. They allow professionals to experiment with choices and gauge the outcomes of their selection without the need to test these decisions in real life. Prior work (Collou and Bruinsma, 2022, 2019) illustrated that a serious game can aid human resource management professionals in their quest to design human resource management configurations that align to the organizational strategy. In the current game an additional challenge was added: shaping digital transformation behaviour. Tested in multiple rounds the game shows great promise for professionals and students to experiment with human resource management configuration design. First evaluations illustrate that responders are positive in terms of their learning experience. Balancing the need to align the human resource management configuration and affecting the employee behaviour simultaneously has proven to be challenging for players of the game. Future steps are focused on this balance and empirically validating the serious game.


