Exploring the Combination of Point-of-view and Tenses in Movement-based Design Processes


  • Søren Stigkær Lekbo University of Southern denmark
  • Lars Elbæk University of Southern Denmark




Movement-based, Design, Point-of-view, Tenses, Embodiedment, Design process, Exertion Games


Our work presented is grounded in Movement-based Design and used for creating solutions with movement as a focal point. Several researchers utilise the moving body in their design for embodied products such as ubiquitous computers and interactive prototypes. The recognition of the moving body is seen in embodied design approaches with a body-centred focused design supporting and encompassing human experience. We believe that incorporating the moving body at the centre of the design process is required to create a future of sustainable movement related to technology, e.g., exertion games, VR or general health and fitness solutions. To understand the nuances of a movement-based design process, we see a need to go beyond the specific design methods. Designers need to approach the complex problem from multiple perspectives. To nuance our movement-based design process, we use the Svanæs and Barkhuus framework to categorise the body-centred design process in two dimensions: Tenses and Point-of-view. The aim is to learn how Point-of-view and Tenses can be utilised to increase the value of the Movement-based Design Process. The empirical material generated in this project stems from two Movement-based Design workshops, each with its own scope: workshop one, the creation of outdoor fitness equipment and workshop two, the creation of technology-based motion games. Both workshops were filmed, and selected participants were interviewed subsequently. The analysis indicated how Point-of-view and Tenses have distinct qualities when interpreted through the framework combined with the empirical material. Point-of-views: 1st-person perspective is used to create insights that are to be shared. 2nd-person perspective is used when two users are designing. 3rd-person perspective creates a distance for analysis. Tenses: Past tense was utilised by watching recorded videos. Present tense creates a feel of here and now, and the future tense was aimed at looking forward in time. The workshops went through several phases, each with its distinct way of working with movement. We wrap up with recommendations for designing a movement-based design process guided by point-of-view and tenses: Start and stay in the 1st-person, let the group share insights, let the participants distance themselves, and the use of tenses should be explicit.


