Academic Entrepreneurship Overview: New Program Development Using Entrepreneurship Principles




Academic entrepreneurship,, Design thinking,, Effectuation,, Innovation,, Entrepreneurship


This paper examines human dimensions of innovation within the context of complex problem solving and solution generation. We review theories and methodologies used in entrepreneurship, identifying similarities and implications. In an illustrative case study, we describe process used to launch a new academic program in a university. Program faculty used frameworks, perspectives, and analysis that are fundamental to entrepreneurship with the goal of launching an academic program in response to local industry requests. We conclude with a discussion of implications for research and practice.

Author Biography

Christy Suciu, Boise State University

Christy Suciu is a Lecturer in Boise State University. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Learning and Education, “The need for Design Thinking in Business Schools,” and written the book “Design Thinking and Strategy.” She serves as a design thinking consultant for many major companies.


