Understanding patient attitudes towards the use of AI in medical diagnosis using Necessary Conditions Analysis


  • Magdalena Czerwinska Lublin University of Technology
  • Joanna Ejdys Białystok University of Technology
  • Agnieszka Rzepka Lublin University of Technology https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4495-6066




AI, medical diagnostics, trust to AI, NCA


The recent years have brought a rapid growth in the use of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in medical applications. One of the areas where AI can find application is in medical diagnostics. AI has the potential to revolutionize the field of medical diagnostics by improving the predictive accuracy, speed and efficiency of the diagnostic process. The literature provides many studies on the applications of AI in medical diagnostics, including the attitudes of medical personnel towards this technology. However, few studies focus on evaluating the use of AI in medicine from the perspective of consumers. The article concerns the issue of using artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics. The authors analyse the attitudes of potential patients towards medical applications of AI. They examine the factors determining social acceptance of AI usage in medical diagnostics. They use a new research method based on necessity logic - Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA).

Author Biographies

Magdalena Czerwinska, Lublin University of Technology

An assistant professor at Lublin University of Technology in the Department of Economics and Economic Management. She is author of over 50 papers. She specializes in knowledge management, ehealth and information technology acceptance models. She’s active member of scientific societies (Scientific Society of Economic Informatics, Scientific Society of Organization and Management).

Joanna Ejdys, Białystok University of Technology

Full professor at the Faculty of Engineering Management of Bialystok University of Technology (Poland). Head of International Department of Logistics and Service Engineering. Recent research interests are focused on foresight methodology, scenario building. She is the author of over 120 publications in the field of strategic foresight, technology assessment, TAM, foresight in supply chain, smart mobility and green deal. Currently, she is a coordinator in the project Smart Mobility, financed from National Centre of Science, and coordinator in the international project EUROPE-LAND Towards Sustainable Land-use Strategies in the Context of Climate Change and Biodiversity Challenges in Europe (ID 101081307-2), financed from HORIZON EUROPE. She was a fellow of the  Programme Golden Autumn International Academic Forum: 2017 Polish Scholars Delegation Exchange Programme, Chongqing Jiaotong University (China). She completed foreign internship in Griffith University (Australia), Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) – Center for Strategic Foresight Seoul (South Korea).

Agnieszka Rzepka, Lublin University of Technology

A professor at Lublin University of Technology in the Faculty of Management in the Department of Economics and Economic Management, Poland. A specialist in inter-organizational management, intellectual capital, self-management, and SMEs, her current research focuses on teal organizations. In addition to 140 papers, she has written seven proprietary and collective monographs.


