Assessing the Moderating Role of Organizational Culture on the Effect of Knowledge Networks on Firm Innovation in Visegrad Countries: The Perspective of Knowledge Production Function.
R&D co-operation, training and development, radical and incremental innovations, OLS, VisegradAbstract
Among the elements of Knowledge Production Function (KPF), R&D remains one of the highly studied factors. In an era of interdependence and collaborations, no firm or enterprise can survive the prevailing highly competitive business environment by not networking with firms of similar interest, values, and goals. The unanswered question in prior literature on firm co-operation is what kind of firm co-operation best works? In finding an answer to fill this gap in literature, we examined the impact of R&D co-operation, innovation co-operation (excluding R&D) and co-operation based on other business activities on radical and incremental innovations. We further examined the moderating role of organizational culture on the effect of firm co-operation on innovation. Our study is based on open innovation theory and the KPF. Adopting the 2018 cross-sectional CIS data from the Eurostat database for the four Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia), the OLS regression and Average Marginal Effects models were used for the analysis. We confirmed that when firms co-operate on R&D, there is a positive and significant effect on radical innovation but negative significant effect on incremental innovation. Firm co-operation on innovation activities excluding R&D has positive and significant effect on both radical and incremental innovations. Other business co-operations had positive and significant effect on incremental innovation but not on radical innovation. We further confirmed a positive significant moderating role on the effect of R&D co-operation on radical innovation. We proposed theoretical and practical implications of our study to firm managers, government, and policy formulators.
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