A Case Study on how Space Agencies are Capitalizing on Space Projects: Lessons Learned Through Capture Events





Space sector, Lessons learned, Knowledge sharing, Cooperation, Event


The issue of effectively learning from experience through Lessons Learned (LL) is a long-standing one. Its deployment in the space sector, although more recent, is a well-established issue in the space business. Both the European Space Agency (ESA) and the French Space Agency (CNES) include Lessons Learned capitalization in their processes regarding development of orbital systems. One of the goal of these activities is to improve the risk assessment managed by the project teams, by providing them with lessons learned coming from previous projects. Management procedures, technical standards and handbooks used by the projects can also be improved as a result of the lessons capitalization. There are several steps in the capitalization process. Lessons Learned proposals need to be collected, then analyzed by experts, shared and agreed before being turned into understandable and usable lessons. Finally, these lessons need to be made available to the potential users. The first step in the capitalization is to collect the lessons, which is time consuming. People working in space projects do not usually produce lessons on their own. In order to help them, both agencies have organized Lessons Learned capture events, gathering people working on a project, and inviting them to elaborate collectively the Lessons Learned from their project experience. Attendees can come not only from the agencies, but also from their partners (for example other agencies, industrial companies). The paper deals with how ESA and CNES apply their LL processes. It especially describes the case study of capture events (preparation, typical description of an event, outcomes). The emphasis is put on the methods used both to have participants committed to the approach and to produce useful lessons. Events typical examples are given. Finally, the paper compares ESA and CNES approaches and insists on the benefits capture events can bring to Organizations.

Author Biographies

Isabelle Gibek, CNES Toulouse France

Isabelle Gibek has been working at CNES, the French Space Agency, for 35 years. After 20 years in the satellite propulsion field, and 10 years linked with Space Sustainability, she is now responsible for Orbital Systems Lessons Learned since 2020. As such, she is involved in CNES Knowledge Management process.

Andrew Herd, ESA Noordwijk The Netherlands

Andrew Herd, an internationally recognised senior expert in knowledge management, leads the European Space Agency Lessons Learned activities, sharing best practice with other Space Agencies, industry, academia and also non-profit organisations, and being noted for his outstanding achievements in the KM field at ESA, and extensive knowledge of the space industry.

Daniel Galarreta, CNES Toulouse France

Daniel Galarreta is a knowledge engineer at the French Space Agency (CNES). His areas of interest are the application of knowledge engineering to innovation and valorization of data. He is currently Chairman of the IAF KM Technical Committee.

Estelle Cavan, CNES Toulouse France

Estelle CAVAN is currently a Knowledge Engineering Expert within the Knowledge Center Department of the French Space Agency (CNES). She has more than fifteen years of experience in terminology and ontology development, and information and knowledge processing and retrieval. She is involved in projects on text-mining and knowledge management.

Fabien Castanet, CNES Toulouse France

Fabien Castanet has a long (43 years) and diversified experience (technical, quality, project and management) in satellites and launchers developments at the French Space Agency (CNES). He is currently Technical Advisor to the Spacecraft Technologies Department within the Technical and Digital Directorate in Toulouse, involved in Normalisation as Chairman of the ECSS Technical Authority and member of Lessons Learned COREX committee.


