Organizing the World's Largest Songwriting Camp: From a KM Perspective


  • Tone Vold Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Hanne Haave Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Trygve Stølan Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Carl-Henrik Wahl Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Ole Jørgen Ranglund Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Linda Vibeke Kiønig Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences



knowledge sharing, coordinating processes, project management


In June 2024 the worlds’ largest songwriting camp took place in a small town in Norway. The main organizer is a small music production company called the Woods. Although having organized more than 100 “ordinary” music camps, this was -by far- be the largest one, with approximately 153 participants from approximately 20 countries. The logistics alone is nothing less than challenging. This study will focus on the knowledge management perspective regarding the organizing, and we have through a qualitative study interviewed the main organisers. Our perspective has been to unveil how they plan for, coordinate and organize the participants as well as keeping track of the different groups’ progress regarding developing songs.


