About the Proceedings

No reproduction, copy or transmission may be made without written permission from the individual authors.

Review Process

Papers submitted to this conference have been double-blind peer reviewed before final acceptance to the conference. Initially, abstracts were reviewed for relevance and accessibility and successful authors were invited to submit full papers. Many thanks to the reviewers who helped ensure the quality of all the submissions.

Ethics and Publication Malpractice Policy

ACIL adheres to a strict ethics and publication malpractice policy for all publications – details of which can be found here:


Self-Archiving and Paper Repositories

We actively encourage authors of papers in ACIL conference proceedings and journals to upload their published papers to university repositories and research bodies such as ResearchGate and Academic.edu. Full reference to the original publication should be provided.

Conference Proceedings

The Conference Proceedings is a book published with an ISBN and ISSN. The proceedings have been submitted to a number of accreditation, citation and indexing bodies including ISI Web of Science and Elsevier Scopus.

Author affiliation details in these proceedings have been reproduced as supplied by the authors themselves.

From 2022 these proceedings are open access and freely available for all to read. The Conference Proceedings for previous years can be purchased from http://academic-bookshop.com

ISSN: 2049-0976

Published by Academic Conferences International Limited, Reading, UK
