A Landscape of Case-Based Research: Methodological Rigor in an Emerging Economy Context
Case study, Research quality, Methodological rigour,, Methodology,, Production engineering, ValidityAbstract
In the evolving field of Production Engineering, the robustness of case-based research plays a crucial role in
theory development and practical application. Recognizing this criticality, this paper delves into a systematic examination
of methodological rigor in Production Engineering case research, scrutinizing a significant corpus of research to discern
patterns and practices in methodological execution. This work seeks to shed light on the prevailing trends and identify
potential avenues for strengthening the methodological foundations of case study research within the Production
Engineering domain. The search was based on case studies from select publications in the Scielo database, a relevant
Brazilian source that make available journal articles published in journals in various areas of knowledge. The analysis
delineates a framework of four quality criteria – construct validity, internal and external validity, and reliability – to
augment methodological rigour. The findings reveal a critical need for a more explicit engagement with these criteria in
research design, data collection, and analysis. The research highlights strategies to fortify rigour and, by extension, the
quality of case-based research, paving the way for more robust theoretical contributions in Production Engineering. This
work in progress not only considers the recent landscape of case-based research but also provides actionable insights to
refine future research methodologies, ultimately fostering a paradigm of excellence in qualitative research. The
enhancement of methodological rigour in Production Engineering case-based research within the scientific community in a
developing country is of paramount importance. As scholars strive to amplify their voices in the international arena, the
meticulous application of robust research methodologies becomes critical. It serves not only to fortify the validity and
reliability of findings but also to ensure the reproducibility of research. Enhancing methodological rigour aids in building a
legacy of credibility and trust in the Brazilian scholarship that can contribute significantly to both regional and global
advancements in Production Engineering.
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