Co-creation & design- “Living heritage routes” project: memory itineraries for the city of Lamego


  • Didiana Fernandes Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego, Lamego, Portugal
  • Isabel Vieira Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego, Lamego, Portugal
  • Paula Santos Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego, Lamego, Portugal



Historical centre, small town, mental maps, co-creation, itineraries


The “Living heritage routes” project aims to interpret a given geographical area for tourism - the city of Lamego - based on the visual/oral perceptions and memories of the residents, so that it is possible to create tourist proposals, based on co-creation, that involve the local community, students and cultural agents through the contemporary interpretation of the space. The project has three distinct phases: 1st survey of the material and immaterial cultural heritage; 2nd elaboration of tourist itineraries and 3rd realization of an event that promotes and divulges the project - through a historical recreation of the space. The main objectives of this study were to involve the local population in projects that aim to recover and promote the local tangible and intangible cultural heritage. We believe that it is possible to create new cultural and artistic products, such as thematic itineraries, based on the image, perceptions and memories of the resident population, which can attract more visitors, improving the development of sustainable tourism aimed at local culture promoting.

The methodology of this project, as far as its 1st phase is concerned, went through a qualitative approach, using mental maps, accompanied by interview, as a method of enquiry, in order to understand the local community's perception of their urban space. The analysis and interpretation of the mental maps will follow the methodology presented by Kozel (2007). The results obtained through a first analysis of the interviews and the mental maps, applied to 40 residents of the city of Lamego from four different age groups allowed, in a first preliminary analysis, the identification of new natural and cultural tangible and intangible heritage resources, as well as the identification of several points connected to the singularity and identity of the city and its districts. It was also clear that the connection of residents to their districts influences the way they perceive the city, as well as its symbolic and representational icons.

The results reinforce the importance of involving residents, in the co-creation of heritage tourism products, allowing the construction and renewal of the tourism offer in small historical towns.

Author Biographies

Didiana Fernandes, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego, Lamego, Portugal

Didiana Fernandes has a PHD in Cultural Sciences from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, a Master's Degree in Local and Regional Studies from University of Porto and a degree in Management and Planning in Tourism from the University of Aveiro. She is Adjunct professor at Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego (IPV) and Researcher at CIAC Research Center (she also collaborates with CITUR (Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation). Develops research in interdisciplinary in tourism, local and regional studies in tourism and in the field of travel literature and the historical and cultural reading of space. She is involved in several studies and research projects.

Isabel Vieira, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego, Lamego, Portugal

Isabel Vieira has a PhD in Management from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, a Master in Heritage and Tourism from the University of Minho and a degree in Tourism from the University of Algarve. Since 2020 she is a PhD student in tourism at the University of Vigo. She is a full researcher at CI&DEI (Centre for Studies in Education and Innovation). Her areas of interest are tourism and marketing. She has published in scientific journals in the tourism area and has published articles in the proceedings at various international conferences. She is involved in several studies/research projects.

Paula Santos, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego, Lamego, Portugal

Paula Santos has a PhD in History of International Relations. She belonged to Team Europe until 2015. She integrated co-financed projects: Emigration from the North of Portugal to Brazil , SidebySide , InfoPaths . Her current areas of research relate to Portugal's external relations and European Union funding policies programmes.



2022-05-11 — Updated on 2022-05-13
