Legal and ethical issues of pre-incident forensic analysis.
Forensic practitioners, legal issues, vulnerability researchAbstract
Investigators searching for digital evidence may encounter a variety of different IoT (Internet of Things) devices. Data in such devices and their environments can be both valuable, but also highly volatile. To meet best practices and to process these devices in an expeditious and forensically-sound manner, an investigator should have a predefined plan. Developing such plans requires prior knowledge developed through the exploration and experimentation of the “target” devices. The expanding variety, number, and pervasiveness of IoT devices means there is an increasing need for pre-incident analysis to ensure forensic tools and techniques acquire, preserve and document evidence appropriately. Many of these IoT devices have proprietary file- and operating-systems and may employ mechanisms to protect intellectual property by limiting or preventing access by researchers. Disassembly of the device and circumventing these mechanisms may be restricted by contract, end-user licence agreement (EULA) or legislation regarding intellectual-property rights. Legislative exclusions exist for security research, in some jurisdictions, permitting legitimate analyses. The pre-incident analyses of hardware to establish a forensic process bear some similarity to vulnerability and security research, however there are distinct differences in their end goals. This paper discusses the legal and ethical issues that may be encountered when conducting pre-incident forensics analyses focussing on IoT hardware. It highlights areas of particular concern, identifies best practice and subjects requiring future work as presented in the literature before providing a series of recommendations for forensics investigators processing these types of devices.
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