The Evaluatıon Of Technıcal Unıversıtıes In Turkey In Accordance Wıth Tübitak Entrepreneurıal And Innovatıve Unıversıty Index


  • ÜMMÜ SALİHA EKEN İNAN Selcuk University



Entrepreneurial and Innovative University, AHP, PROMETHEE, TÜBİTAK, GYÜE


Educational institutions compete with each other with entrepreneurial and innovative steps, just like production enterprises operating in different sectors. The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) has been evaluating universities on a total of twenty-three sub-dimensions under four dimensions in line with the Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index (GYÜE) every year since 2012. It shares the top fifty universities in the ranking with the public. These universities include both state universities and foundation universities. Eight of the top fifty universities in the ranking are Technical Universities. Since technical universities can integrate into more university-industry collaborations, they can undertake innovative and entrepreneurial projects and create value. In this context, the aim of the study is; It is the evaluation and ranking of Technical Universities in line with TÜBİTAK-GYÜE. Method of the research; The criterion weights of the technical universities included in the TÜBITAK 2022 index were determined by the AHP method, and in this direction, the findings were obtained by using the PROMETHEE method. The study is also important in terms of determining the differences between technical universities and other universities in the context of the entrepreneurial and innovative university index and the reasons for these differences.


