Designing an Artificial Intelligence Maturity Model for Human Resources (HR-AIMM)


  • Sascha Armutat Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Malte Wattenberg Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Nina Mauritz



Maturity Model, Artificial Intelligence, Human Resources, HR-Management, AI capability, AI Readiness


Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to change the world of work radically. Wherever information processing is involved, AI can be integrated into processes with added value. From the perspective of Human Resource (HR) management, this implies three things: first, business models and performance processes in the company will undergo change; second, employee requirements will change; and third, HR processes will change. While the literature describes various AI maturity models, there has been no dedicated consideration of HR management. This article, therefore, aims to identify relevant influencing factors for an AI-orientated approach to HR management and to describe these in more detail using maturity levels in a Human Resources Artificial Intelligence Maturity Model (HR-AIMM). The resulting HR-AIMM consists of eleven dimensions. These include anchoring the AI topic in the corporate and HR strategy, its use in selected HR processes, considering ethical, data-related, and infrastructural principles, and organisational, cultural, and competence-related anchoring. The characteristics of these factors enable the identification of four maturity levels for using AI in HR management: from a curious start to the level of holistic integration. Our framework supports researchers and companies in understanding and evaluating the factors influencing the professional application of AI in HR management.

Author Biographies

Sascha Armutat, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sascha Armutat

is professor for human resources management and organization at the Faculty of Business at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts since April 2016. He represents the topics of Human Resource Management, Organization and Leadership in teaching. He researches especially on questions of strategic human resources management in the context of agility and digitization, employer branding and strategic workforce planning.

Malte Wattenberg, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Malte Wattenberg

is a research assistant at the "Denkfabrik Digitalisierte Arbeitswelt" at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany. His work and research focus, in particular, on the requirements of digital transformation in companies, digital business models, and social media communication.

Nina Mauritz

Nina Mauritz

studied Business Psychology (B.Sc.) and Business Administration (M.A.) and has been a research assistant in various research projects at the "Denkfabrik Digitalisierte Arbeitswelt" at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany since 2015. Her research focuses on the topics of Industry 4.0, skills development and artificial intelligence from an occupational science perspective. She also lectures in the fields of marketing and psychology.


