An Exploratory Study on the Role of Generative AI in Designing Educational Board Games




Generative AI in education, Board game design, GBL, language learning, AI-assisted pedagogy


The educational landscape is transforming due to new skill demands, fragmented attention spans, evolving communication patterns, and increased information access. Game-based learning (GBL) has emerged as a potential solution, fostering subject competency and broader skills. However, integrating games into education faces challenges for educators and schools. This study examines Generative AI's (GenAI) role in facilitating board game use in education, based on a case study in an Italian high school implementing a GenAI-enhanced board game for foreign language teaching. Two state-of-the-art GenAI technologies assisted in the whole GBL design process. Findings indicate GenAI can streamline board game integration through flexible rule adaptation, customized artifact production, and rapid content creation, reducing educator workload, as well as extend their capabilities with novel, creative solutions. Benefits are more pronounced when GenAI use is based on an overarching educational strategy. Study's findings have implications for educators and researchers seeking to effectively integrate GBL and GenAI in educational settings.

Author Biographies

Fabrizio Amarilli, Dublin City University

Fabrizio Amarilli is an Assistant Professor of Digital Business at Dublin City University and an adjunct professor of MIS at Politecnico di Milano Business School. He has 25 years of experience in applied research, focusing on the intersection of digital technologies and organizational transformation.

Oxana Timakova, Civico Liceo Linguistico A. Manzoni, Milano, Italy

Oxana Timakova is a language teacher specializing in active learning and game-based learning. She has taught students at different levels, including high school, university, and vocational levels. She holds an MSc in Industrial Design and two postgraduate specializations in Intercultural Communication and Game-Based Learning.


