Fostering Self-regulation, Motivation, and Creativity through Gamification Software iWrite


  • Christian Stein Humboldt University Berlin
  • Skylor Zhang Hector Research Institute of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Tübingen


Gamification, iWrite, motivation, self-regulation, creativity


Students and academics face a range of challenges when writing, including a lack of motivation, self-regulatory skills, and creativity. To address these difficulties, the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung at Humboldt University has developed a gamification writing software called iWrite. In this article, we introduce the development process of the software and its features – including gamification features such as progress bars, points, a planner, streaks, visualization, and levels – as well as additional practical writing-supportive features such as proofreading and time and activity tracking. iWrite provides valuable game features that promote the development of efficient and enjoyable writing habits. Research indicates that gamification features like these can be a powerful tool in enhancing writers' motivation and self-regulation when engaging in creative tasks like writing. While the software development is finished, a systematic evaluation of it is planned within the EU-FairPlay project beginning 2024. The study aims to evaluate consistency of usage and impact on writing progress on students testing the software over several weeks. The result is expected to show, which game mechanics are working well in context of academic writing.


