Model for Developing the Creativity of Future Engineers




Management competencies, creativity, engineers’ skills, competencies of the future


The article presents factors and their interrelations that influence the development of engineers’ creativity. The subject of the article is in the field of human resources management and was in-spired by the results of research related to the analysis of the competency potential of future employees. The main goals of this paper are to consider how can competencies of future engineers in the area of creativity be developed and what does creativity depend on – internal and external factors; can a model of enhancing creativity of future engineers be worked out? The research was carried out between 2014-2020, on a group of 861 students. The survey method was used, and the research tool was a self-evaluation questionnaire. The research used regression analyses, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients, the power of interrelation between chosen variables (social competencies and forms of education) was evaluated. Hierarchical multiple regression was carried out to verify the objective of the research.  The analysis of correlations was verified and visualised with principal components analysis PCA, as well with cluster analysis using Ward’s method. The main value of the article is the developed graphic model that reflects the stages of creative development as a competence that is a very important competence resource of the company. A mathematical model that includes the analysis, based on hierarchical multiple regression, revealed that social competencies and forms of learning examined are strongly correlated with 'creative thinking' competence, and this correlation is statistically significant.

Author Biographies

Małgorzata Spychała

Phd Eng. Małgorzata Spychała is an Assistant Professor at the Poznan University of Technology. She specializes in managing the competences of employees and managers. She conducts research on improving incentive systems and improving communication in employee teams. Author of many foreign and domestic publications. Member of many design teams in Poland and abroad

Magdalena Graczyk-Kucharska , Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management

Magdalena Graczyk-Kucharska, PhD, Eng.  took part in several domestic and international projects, including international internships at the University of California, Berkeley and Matej Bel University. Her scientific and research work area focuses on competence management for knowledge management and development of green organizations. Author of many foreign and domestic publications


