Managing Remote Negotiation Strategies


  • Joanna Krzywda Czestochowa University of Technology



negotiations, remote negotiations, interorganisational relationships


In more recent times, many business relationships have moved online and many companies are taking advantage of the opportunity to talk online with their business partners. This paper attempts to answer the question of how this fact affects business relationships. A survey method was used with 47 companies in Poland that conduct remote negotiations or remote business talks. The respondents were company managers who participate in both traditional and remote negotiations. The conceptual framework for the study was the model of negotiation as recurring events in the history of a relationship (Thomas, Manrodt, Eastman, 2015). The limitations of the study derived from the specificity of the research group: the respondents were from Poland, and the perspective of small and medium-sized companies was taken into account, whereas perhaps the perspective of large companies would have been different. The conclusion outlines the potential of remote negotiation compared to traditional negotiation and implications of conducting remote negotiations.


